Oklahoma Objector Community - OKObjector.org


The Oklahoma Objector Community is a religious humanist community with a special focus on peace and social justice.

We are a religious community, because we deal with the ultimate questions of meaning, ethics, purpose, etc.

We are a humanist community, because we believe that human beings have the reponsibility of creating our own future. We are open to learning from all of the great religious/philosophical traditions but we as a community are agnostic on the subject of God (or Gods). We have members of our community who are agnostics, atheists and theists and we think that is a good thing. Our point of unity is our rejection of the idea of an interventionist deity in the world.

We are a peace community because we believe that war and injustice is a fundamental violation of what it means to be an ethical human being. Our community's spiritual DNA is rooted in finding ways to object to war and injustice.

Our local community consists of a small group of activist members, but we also have a larger body of at-large members (formerly known as the Objector Church), many of whom who are engaged in the work of the projects we fiscally sponsor, most notably Courage to Resist.

If you are interested in joining our community, please come to one of our upcoming events or contact us.

Upcoming Events

Fiscally sponsored Projects

Courage to Resist
(Supporting US miltiary conscientious objectors, war resisters, and whistleblowers)

Shalom V'Tzedek Legal Project
(supporting the rights of US military conscientious objectors & whistleblowers, truth in recruiting education, etc.)

Logo: JMB.bike
(a public demonstration/education project that showcases the ways that bicycles can be used for eco-friendly affordable transportation)

Ham Radio Felony Project
(seeking to assist those with prior felony convictions to be able to get their ham radio license (or retain the license they already have)

Just Future
(community building and education with a special focus on Oklahoma)



As a religious humanist community, our ministers/officiants provide a variety of ritual services to our members and the general public, including:

We also host periodic liturgical gatherings (based on humanistic liturgy adapted from a variety of world cultural/religious traditions) and meals.

We normally do not charge fees for members of our community, but do charge nominal fees for ritual services provided to non-community members.

For more information on ritual services, please contact us.


Our links section is a work-in-progress. If you see a group or a webpage that we should list here, please email james(at)objector(dot)church. Thanks!

Ministers & Staff

photo of James M. Branum
James M. Branum
Interfaith Minister & Shalom V'Tzedek Legal Project Director

photo of Rena Guay
Rena Guay
Interfaith Minister & Executive Director of Just Future Project
